Emmenagogues - Health Benefits, Uses and Important Facts

Emmenagogues - Health Benefits, Uses and Important Facts

Emmenagogues increase blood flow to the uterus and pelvis and help women get their periods. Emmenagogues are used to treat scanty menstruation, reduce menstrual pain, and enhance blood flow to the uterus and pelvic region.


A woman's menstrual cycle typically lasts 28 days, however every woman's body is unique and has a different menstrual cycle. Menstrual cycle delays of 4-5 days are typical; nevertheless, they shouldn't exceed that. Therefore, making the appropriate food choices can assist you in initiating menstruation and bringing on your periods at the appointed time.


Emmenagogues trigger the menstrual cycle. They must be used when uterine dysfunction (low artava agni) or blood stagnation/congestion causes menstrual retention (poor circulation - vyana vayu). An emmenagogue's main objective is to bring back regular, healthy monthly menstruation. (Refer to Holmes)


Excess blood is eliminated during a healthy period. Men tend to have an overabundance of energy, whilst women tend to have an excess of blood. This excess is eliminated during menstruation, which also lessens heat, irritation, water retention, and malaise. As a result, the woman feels renewed and grounded.


What are Emmenagogues herbs?


Herbs that can stimulate menstruation flow even when it is not scheduled are known as emmenagogues and should be avoided during pregnancy. They have been referred to informally for ages as "herbs for delayed menses," which is occasionally a euphemism for terminating an unintended pregnancy. As a result, many emmenagogic plants are also abortifacients. What exactly identifies an emmenagogue is a topic of debate in the literature. Some herbs, like chamomile, are regularly and incorrectly classified as emmenagogic. Other herbs, such Dong quai and peony, are used extensively in Chinese and Japanese formulary to prevent miscarriage despite being regarded emmenagogic and having uterine stimulating properties. Finally, the information that has been collected on other herbs is inconsistent. For instance, ashwagandha has been classified as an abortifacient but has historically been used to stop miscarriages. Unquestionably emmenagogues include several herbs with high essential oil content, while this is not a must for emmenagogue activity. Among the widely used emmenagogic and abortifacient herbs include tansy, thuja, safflower, scotch broom, rue, angelica, mugwort, wormwood, yarrow, and pennyroyal essential oil.


Use and benefits of Emmenagogues:


  1. Emmenagogue is a substance that stimulates, controls, and normalises menstruation. They are female reproductive system tonics.

  2. Emmenagogues function by boosting blood flow to the pelvic region and uterus.

  3. These herbs are helpful in treating menstrual issues like erratic or unpleasant periods. After using birth control, the menstrual cycle may return to normal.



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