Angelica Flower - Health Benefits, Uses and Important Facts

Angelica Flower - Health Benefits, Uses and Important Facts

Angelica, also called Angelica archangelica, is a herb that grows back every year and has been grown since ancient times. Since at least the 10th century, the plant has been used as medicine and food in Northern Europe.


The plant is related to parsley. It has big leaves, clusters of white or greenish-white flowers the size of grapefruits, and bright green stems that sometimes have a purple tint. Angelica has a smell that is different from fennel, parsley, anise, and caraway. It is a member of the parsley family. People have said it smells like musk or juniper.


In the wild, the plant grows in places that are damp and get a lot of sun, like along streams, rivers, and ocean beaches. The thick taproot is the part that is useful, but the stems can be eaten like celery.


What is angelica?


Angelica archangelica is more commonly known as A. officinalis. Angelica, garden angelica, wild celery, archangel, European angelica, and Norwegian angelica are all names for the plant A. archangelica. It is a biennial plant that can grow up to six feet tall. It has large, bright green leaves and flowers that look like Queen Anne's lace but are more of a greenish-white colour. It likes to live in wet soil near moving water. Early summer is the time to pick the leaves and stems, and late summer is when the seeds are ready to be picked. After the first year, the roots should be picked in late fall to get the most out of them. The roots and stems can be used fresh or dried, but the seeds are best when they are dried.           


Folklore about angelica:


The story goes that the Archangel Michael told a monk in the 1400s that Angelica was a plant that could help keep the plague away. The plant's scientific name, Angelica archangelica, comes from this story. Angelica's many uses have made it popular for a very long time.


Health benefits of angelica:


Angelica has many uses as a medicine. It is a warming tonic that can help keep the digestive and respiratory systems working well and improve circulation throughout the body. The leaf, stem, root, and seeds are all used for these things, but the root is the part of the plant that is used most often. The most fragrant parts of the plant are the root and the seeds, which have more of the volatile oils that make it good for the digestive, respiratory, and circulatory systems.


Tonic for the lungs

Angelica helps warm, tone, and clear the lungs by making them work harder. It also helps the respiratory system set up a healthy way to deal with inflammation. Angelica root is often used in medicines for the lungs, like WishGarden's Deep Lung. It can be found in many apothecaries.


The Health of Women and Circulatory Tonic

Many herbalists use A. archangelica in the same way that A. sinensis, or dong quai, is used to support a healthy menstrual flow. Even though A. sinensis is more of a blood builder than A. archangelica, they both help move blood, which is good for better circulation and keeping your period in check. Angelica can also help ease the pain that comes with having your period.



Angelica is also well-known for its ability to make people sweat, which warms the body and helps the body fight off seasonal bugs by boosting the immune system as a whole. Angelica tea is said to make people feel better when they are sick, coughing, or sneezing.


Digestive Tonic

Angelica is a pleasant-smelling, bitter stimulant that helps the digestive system make healthy digestive juices and relieves gas and bloating. Angelica root can be used to make bitters that can be taken before meals. Angelica may also be used to help people eat more. Angelica is often found in herbal bitters sold in health food stores and liquor stores.


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