Macadamia Nuts – Health Benefits, Uses and Important Facts

Macadamia Nuts – Health Benefits, Uses and Important Facts

Macadamia nuts are a type of tree nut with a delicate, buttery flavour and smooth texture. Due to their high proportion of good fats, macadamia nuts might aid weight loss efforts. In addition to their many healthful fats and proteins, macadamia nuts are also a significant source of dietary fibre.


In the same vein as other nuts, macadamia nuts have a high concentration of useful plant chemicals and nutrients. In addition to helping with digestion, heart health, weight management, and blood sugar control, they are also associated with a number of other advantages.


Macadamia nuts are delicious, but that's not all they're good for. Nutritionally, they're unique and have a flavour reminiscent of coconut. Macadamia nuts are rich in healthy phytonutrientsi and other minerals like vitamins A and B, iron, manganese, folate, and strong antioxidants. In addition, they have a high concentration of healthy fatty acids. Hence, they are helpful in the treatment and prevention of diabetes, and may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.




What are Macadamia nuts?

The macadamia nut comes from the fruit of an Australian tree of the same name. Macadamia nuts are a major industry and go by many names, including Hawaii nuts, Queensland nuts, maroochi nuts, and bauple nuts.


The trees' 40-foot height is a result of their Proteaceae plant family origins. Elliptical in shape, the leaves cluster in swirls of three to six. The length of the blossoms is almost 10 inches. A macadamia nut's shell is very thick and tough. They carry one or two seeds and taper sharply towards their tips.



History of Macadamia nuts:

Originally, the name "Macadamia" was bestowed upon the genus by German-Australian ecologist Ferdinand von Mueller in 1857. To honour John Macadam, a Scottish-Australian chemist and medical educator, the city was given his name.


Macadamia seedlings were first sent to Hawaii in the late 1800s, but it wasn't until the 1970s that Australia's macadamia nut business really took off.


Flourish. There's a good explanation for why these nuts succeeded at first place. And prior to diving into the particulars, let's have a look at the most crucial health features of these nuts, and why these nuts are deemed healthy.



Nutritional value of Macadamia nuts:

The vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, iron, protein, niacin, and folate found in macadamias are all excellent for your health. They also have a fair amount of the minerals zinc, copper, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Antioxidants such as polyphenols, amino acids, flavonoids, and selenium can be found in macadamia nuts. It is also rich in sugars and starches such as sucrose, maltose, fructose, glucose, and a few more.



Health benefits of Macadamia nuts:

  1. Intensify Cardiovascular Fitness

According to research, persons whose diets are rich in macadamia nuts have the same levels of cholesterol as those whose diets are low in fat. Moreover, the high concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids in macadamia nuts reduces the likelihood of blood clot formation by making platelets less sticky. This reduces the risk of a stroke or heart attack.


The nuts may also aid cardiovascular health by reducing blood pressure. The potassium concentration of macadamia nuts, according to some sources, is responsible for this property.


  1. Lowers blood sugar levels

In general, nuts have been shown to mitigate the symptoms of diabetes. Canadian research confirms that eating tree nuts (such as macadamia nuts) can help people with type 2 diabetes better manage their blood sugar levels.


Macadamia nuts offer a special combination of bioactive chemicals and nutrients that lower blood sugar levels and protect against diabetes (3). Although they are high in fat, macadamia nuts are considered safe for consumption by those with diabetes, according to another study. Because of the monounsaturated fatty acids they contain, these nuts are effective in reducing LDL cholesterol.


  1. Encourage weight loss

If you eat healthily and exercise regularly, you will undoubtedly see weight loss results. When discussing healthy eating habits, one option is to incorporate macadamia nuts into your daily intake.


Macadamia nuts are high in calories but low in carbohydrates (4 grammes per 1 ounce serving). But don't fret; eating just 2 ounces of the nuts daily can help you get closer to your ideal weight.


The high fibre content is another plus. Some research suggests that eating a handful of nuts with breakfast each morning can help stave off hunger until lunchtime because of the high fibre content of the nuts.


Macadamia nuts have been demonstrated to reduce belly fat, which is one of the four risk factors for metabolic syndrome.


  1. Preserve and Enhance Bone Health

Bone health is promoted by the calcium, magnesium, and potassium found in macadamia nuts. Also, they have very little sodium, which is a huge plus.


Phosphorus in the nuts aids in the formation of strong teeth and bones. There is excellent news for those who know someone with kidney illness. Bone problems can develop as a result of kidney illness because of its effect on calcium and manganese absorption. The manganese in macadamia nuts, however, can stop it from happening.


  1. Promote Digestive Wellness

And by the way, the nuts have both soluble and insoluble fibre, which help the body eliminate toxins and break down food more efficiently. Copper, found in abundance in the nuts, aids in the biochemical activities that promote healthy digestion.


Keep an eye on the source of your macadamia nuts, as rising salmonella levels in tree nuts (including macadamia nuts) have been linked to gastrointestinal distress.


  1. Reduce swelling and inflammation

There is some evidence that eating macadamia nuts helps reduce the inflammation that can lead to cardiac problems. Macadamia nut oil has been shown to be effective in reducing inflammation in another investigation.


Alpha-linolenic acid, an anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acid found in macadamia nuts, can be used to treat inflammation and prevent the development of arthritis.


  1. Increase Good Fats

We know from before that the monounsaturated fats found in these nuts are among the healthiest types.


Although macadamia nuts are high in fat (75%), the majority of that fat is the healthy monounsaturated kind. One study found that switching the fat in a standard American diet from olive oil to macadamia nut fat significantly improved lipid profiles.


Macadamia nuts have been shown to increase HDL (the good kind of cholesterol) and decrease LDL (the bad kind of cholesterol) in a number of studies.


  1. Help in Treating Anaemia

Because of the iron content in macadamia nuts, they can be used to cure and even prevent anaemia. But, other iron-rich foods, such as spinach, should also be incorporated into your diet. Vitamin C can help your body absorb iron better, which in turn reduces your risk of developing anaemia.


  1. Provide a Spark of Vitality

These nuts might provide you a burst of energy because of the complex carbohydrates they contain. And the fats can keep the power going for a while.


Selection of Macadamia nuts:

Choose those that haven't been altered in any way by adding things like salt or sugar. High-quality macadamia nuts will be dense, smooth, and of consistent size. They don't stink or have any cracks in them.



Storage of Macadamia nuts:

Nuts should be kept in a cold, dry area. They won't go bad in your cupboard for months. But you should inspect on a regular basis for signs of microbial or fungal growth. Likewise, if you have bought shelled kernels, store them in the fridge in an airtight container. If not, they may spoil quickly.


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