Avocados - Health Benefits, Uses and Important Facts

Avocados - Health Benefits, Uses and Important Facts

Avocados have a lot of different nutrients and may be good for your health in different ways. These include making digestion better, lowering the risk of depression, stopping bone loss, helping the heart stay healthy, preventing cancer, and more.


Avocados are a type of berry. They are also called alligator pears or butter fruits. They grow in places that are warm.


Avocados have a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids and a lot of vitamins and minerals. Adding them to a healthy, varied diet can be good for you in many ways.


What is avocado?

Avocado is a rich, creamy fruit with only one seed and a mild taste. It is called Persea Americana in the scientific world, and it is in the Lauraceae family. Avocados come in a lot of different sizes, colours, and textures. All of them are from tropical areas, and when they are picked, their flesh softens into a buttery texture that has made them very popular. In India, they also call it "Makhanphal."


Nutritional profile of avocados: 

      1. Fats: They are full of good fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Bad (LDL) cholesterol levels tend to be lower in people who eat avocados.
      2. Vitamins – Avocados rich in vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K.
      3. Avocado has about 1 gram of fiber per tablespoon, and a whole fruit has about 10 grams. They have a lot of fibers that help the body digest food.
      4. Minerals-Avocado Folate, calcium, magnesium, and sodium are all in it.
      5. Antioxidants: Avocado is one of the best fruits that has a lot of antioxidants.


The best way to eat avocados: 

Avocados are a healthy, nutrient-dense fruit that give the body a lot of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Just by itself is the best way to eat an avocado. Just cut a ripe avocado in half, peel off the skin, add whatever seasonings you like, and eat it as is. You can also use the pulp as an avocado spread by spreading it on toast.


Avocado toast: 

Avocado toast is a nutrient-dense combination of bread (preferably whole grain) and avocado. It's easy to change up and is a good source of healthy fat. You can make your own creative additions like tomatoes or vegan cheese, or you can put a fried egg or smoked salmon on top.


How many avocados in a day?

As a general rule, half an avocado is the right amount to eat with a meal or as a snack. Due to the healthy fats they contain, avocados are especially good for people who follow a ketogenic diet or a Mediterranean diet.


Beauty recipes using avocados:

Hair masks: The oils in avocados are so strong that they can penetrate the hair shaft to moisturise it instead of just sitting on top of the hair.

Face masks: The vitamins in avocados fight free radicals10 and can help reduce sun damage to the skin.


Health benefits of avocados:

1: Anti-inflammatory properties

Avocados have a lot of anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation inside the body. It has more omega-3 fatty acids, phytosterols, and plant hormones like beta-sitosterol and stigmasterol than any other food. They help keep inflammation from getting out of hand. The fats in this fruit are unique, and they help keep joints lubricated and relieve pain in joints.


2: Helps you shed pounds

The most common good thing about avocados is that they help you lose weight. Because it has dietary fibres, it is often used in diets to help people lose weight. It helps you control your weight by making you feel full longer and eating less. Avocados also have very few carbs, which also helps you lose weight.


3: Boosts heart health

Avocado contains a natural plant sterol called beta-sitosterol. Beta-sitosterol and other plant sterols help keep cholesterol levels at a healthy level when they are eaten regularly. They also keep the arteries and veins in your heart in good shape.


4: Keeps blood pressure in check

The minerals in avocado, especially potassium and sodium, help keep your blood pressure steady. Heart attacks and strokes are less likely to happen when blood pressure stays steady.


5: Good for eyes

If you add avocado to your diet, it's good for your eyes. They are full of good things for your eyes, like antioxidants and beta-carotene. Avocados have lutein and zeaxanthin, which are two phytochemicals that help protect cells from damage, including damage from UV light. The high amount of vitamin A in it also makes it less likely that you will get macular degeneration, which is a condition that gets worse with age.


Avocados have monounsaturated fatty acids that help the body absorb other nutrients that dissolve in fat, like beta-carotene. It might make it less likely that you will get age-related macular degeneration.


6: Anti-cancer

Few studies have shown that protecting against cancers of the colon, stomach, pancreas, and cervical has some potential. They help in the treatment of cancer. They stop cancer cells from getting bigger and make cancer cells die. It also helps your immune system by making immune system cells called lymphocytes multiply.


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