Guava - Health Benefits, Uses and Important Facts

Guava - Health Benefits, Uses and Important Facts

We've all had a plate full of guavas with chaat masala sprinkled on top. Nothing beats the strong, sweet smell of the jams, jellies, and murabbas, which make them so delicious. Without a doubt, this is one fruit that our grandmothers always praised. In Hindi, guava is called amrood, and it has tiny, hard seeds in the middle. It is thought to have come from Central America, where it is sometimes called "sand plum." It can be round or oval, and its skin is light green or light yellow. Its flesh can be white, pink, or dark red, and its seeds can be eaten. Not only does guava have a unique taste and smell, but it has also been called one of the "super fruits" because it has so many health benefits. It really does have a lot of good things for you.

What is guava?

Guava is a tropical fruit that grows in either dry or wet, hot conditions. In terms of texture, guavas are like pears, but they have a little more crunch. It is oval in shape, has light green or yellow skin, and has seeds that you can eat. Also, guava leaves can be used to make a herbal tea, and the extract from the leaves can be taken as a supplement.


Antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium, and fibre are all in very high amounts in guava fruits. This amazing amount of nutrients is good for their health in many ways.


Nutritional value of guava:

There are many good things about guavas, and now we'll talk about how healthy they are. 100 grams of the fruit has only 68 calories and 8.92 grams of sugar. Guavas also have a lot of calcium, with 18 g of the mineral per 100 g of fruit. It also has 22 gm of magnesium per 100 gm of fruit. It also has a lot of phosphorus (40 gm per 100 gm) and potassium (417 gm per 100 gm).


Ways to eat guava: 

To eat guava right away, put it on a cutting board and cut it in half. Then you can either cut it like you would an apple or use a spoon like you would with an avocado to get the fleshy part out. Some people don't like the taste of guava rind, but you can eat it.


You can eat guava by itself, or you can use it in a number of different recipes.


Fresh guava is great in smoothies, salads, juices, and even salsas. Guava can also be cooked, and it is used in various baked goods, such as: Cookies, Breakfast Bread, Cakes, and Muffins.


Health benefits of guava: 

  1. Boosts immunity

Guavas are one of the richest vitamin C-rich foods . The amount of vitamin C in guava fruit is four times that of oranges. Vitamin C helps your immune system work better and protects you from common illnesses and pathogens. Also, it keeps your eyes in good shape.


  1. Diabetes-Friendly

Guavas keep people from getting diabetes because they are high in fibre and have a low glycemic index. The low glycemic index prevents a sudden rise in blood sugar, and the high fibre content keeps blood sugar levels steady.


  1. Good for the heart

Guava fruit helps improve the balance of sodium and potassium in the body, which helps people with high blood pressure control their blood pressure. Guavas also help lower the levels of triglycerides and bad cholesterol (LDL), which can lead to heart disease. The good cholesterol is raised by this magical fruit (HDL).


  1. Helps with a clogged bowel

It is one of the fruits with the most fibre, and just one guava gives you about 12% of the daily recommended amount. This is great for your digestive health. If you eat guava seeds whole or chew them up, they are also great laxatives that help you have healthy bowel movements.


  1. Helps your eyesight

Because it has Vitamin A, guava is well known as a way to improve eye health. It can not only keep eyesight from getting worse, but it can also make eyesight better. It can make cataracts and macular degeneration take longer to show up. Even though they don't have as much Vitamin A as carrots, guavas are still a great source of the vitamin.


  1. Guava During Pregnancy

Guava is also good for pregnant women because it has folic acid, which is a type of vitamin B-9. Folic acid is recommended for pregnant women because it can help develop the nervous system of the baby and keep the baby from getting neurological disorders.


  1. Helps with tooth pain

The guava leaves have a strong anti-inflammatory effect and a strong ability to kill germs and fight infections. So, eating guava leaves is a great way to treat a toothache at home. People have also used the juice from guava leaves to treat toothaches, swollen gums, and ulcers in the mouth.


  1. Stress-Buster

One of the many benefits of guava is that the magnesium in the fruit helps to relax the muscles and nerves of the body. So, a guava is exactly what you need after a hard workout or a long day at work to relax your muscles, fight stress, and give your body a good energy boost.


  1. Helps in Weight Loss

Want to lose some weight? Guava is exactly what you need. Guava helps you lose weight without making you eat less protein, vitamins, or fibre. It does this by regulating your metabolism. Everyone wins. Guava is a very filling snack that makes it easy to stop feeling hungry. When compared to apples, oranges, grapes, and other fruits, raw guava has much less sugar.


  1. Cures Colds and coughs

Guava has one of the highest amounts of vitamin C and iron among fruits, and both are known to help prevent colds and viral infections. The juice of raw, immature guavas or a decoction of guava leaves is very good for coughs and colds because it helps get rid of mucus and cleans the respiratory tract, throat, and lungs.


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