Raisins – Health Benefits, Uses and Important Facts

Raisins – Health Benefits, Uses and Important Facts

Dried grapes, from which raisins are made, are a rich source of many beneficial substances, including water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, antioxidants,  polyphenols, phytonutrients, and other dietary fibres.

Because of this, raisins are ideal for health-conscious individuals.



What are Raisins?

Dried grapes are called raisins. Raisins are a good source of nutrients and calories due to the concentration of sugars and nutrients during the drying process.


The Greeks and Romans were huge fans of raisins after they made their way to Europe from the Middle East. Raisins have been utilised for many purposes throughout history, including bartering, athletic event prizes, and even curing food poisoning.


It's possible to dry raisins in a variety of ways. Sun-dried raisins are dark in colour because of the drying process. It takes about three weeks for them to dry out entirely. A dehydrator, either commercial or domestic, can be used to dry them.



What are Sultanas?

It's possible to dry raisins in a variety of ways. Sun-dried raisins are dark in colour because of the drying process. It takes about three weeks for them to dry out entirely. A dehydrator, either commercial or domestic, can be used to dry them.


Raisins VS Sultanas:

Sultanas are paler than regular raisins because they are preserved and dried in less time. Sometimes referred to as "golden raisins" due to their coloration that is neither black nor brown.


They're sweeter and juicier than both raisins and currants, but smaller than the real thing.


While the red and brown varieties are preferred for snacking, sultanas are frequently used in baked goods.



What are currants?

Contrary to popular belief, currants are not actually berries but raisins manufactured from the Black Corinth grape variety. Zante currants, or Corinth currants, are another name for them.



Currants vs. Raisins

When compared to raisins or sultanas, currants are noticeably smaller. They have a more sour and subdued sweetness than regular raisins. 

Most commonly, they are found in baked goods like scones and cookies.



Raisins nutritional value:

Calories: 299

Cholesterol: 0 mg

Carbohydrate: 79 g

Dietary Fibre: 3.7 g

Sodium: 11 mg

Potassium: 749 mg

Sugar: 59 g

Protein: 3.1 g

Iron: 10%

Magnesium: 8%

Vitamin C: 3%

Vitamin B6: 10%

Calcium: 5%

Raisins for diabetics:

Raisins are a great addition to a healthy diet since they are high in fibre, antioxidants, and potassium while being low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. For these reasons, raisins are an excellent snack for those with diabetes.



Health benefits of raisins: 

Aids digestion

Raisins' higher fibre content makes them beneficial for digestive health. In addition, they have laxative properties of their own. Moreover, raisins help with heartburn, gas, and bloating. If you have trouble going to the bathroom or suffering from constipation, try eating raisins (soaked raisins) first thing in the morning.


Helps your eyesight

Polyphenolic phytonutrients, including vitamin A, carotenoid, and beta carotene, can be found in raisins. That's why they're good for your eyes. All of these components work together to prevent cataracts, macular degeneration, and other vision-threatening side effects of free radical damage.


Regulates Blood Pressure

Raisins, which are high in potassium but low in sodium, are known to have a vasodilatory effect. The salt levels in your body can be maintained with the help of raisins.


Increase Your Bone Density

Raisins strengthen bones because of the high calcium content they contain. The mineral boron plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy bones. Boron can be found in abundance in raisins. Soaked raisins, according to a number of medical studies, increase bone density and strength.


Helpful for Slimming Down

Raisins are low in calories and have a natural sweetener in them. If you want to satisfy your sweet tooth without adding unnecessary calories to your diet, these are the way to go. Due to their high fibre content, raisins help you feel satisfied for longer. They help you lose weight by regulating your blood sugar.


Strengthen Defences

Minerals and vitamins, such as calcium, iron, and vitamin C, are abundant in these little golden dry fruits. All of these things strengthen your defences, making it easier to stave off illness. In addition, your defences will be bolstered against illness because raisins have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial characteristics.


Prevents  Anemia

Iron deficiency is the root cause of anaemia. The significance that raisins play in warding off anaemia is crucial. Raisins' abundance of iron, copper, and vitamins makes them useful for haemoglobin formation and oxygen transport.


Cures Heartburn

Raisins' high potassium and magnesium content help neutralise acidity. Bloating, flatulence, boils, skin disorders, and stomach problems can all be alleviated thanks to raisins because they help the body get rid of the toxic materials that are causing them.


Prevents tooth decay

Raisins' oleanolic acid is a powerful cavity fighter. This acid helps maintain healthy teeth and gums by killing bacteria. Cavity-causing germs are inhibited by eating raisins. Raisins include more boron and calcium than other dried fruits, making them ideal for reducing cavities and brightening teeth.


Resolves Fertility Issues

Erectile dysfunction in males can be effectively treated with the natural sugar found in raisins, which also boosts energy levels. Raisins' arginine content helps treat infertility by increasing sperm movement.


Enhance Cardiovascular Fitness

Raisin eating has been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol and raise HDL levels (HDL). Raisins are good for your heart because they reduce the risk of blood clots. The risk of developing several types of cardiovascular disease is lowered by eating raisins.


Healthy Hair

Raisins help keep your hair shiny and healthy. Hair loss, itchy scalp, flaky hair, and dandruff are all things that raisins can help you avoid.


Selection and storage of raisins: 

  1. Raisins can be purchased year-round from the local grocery shop in either packaged or canned form. Good quality raisins can be found in a variety of brands and quality levels.
  2. Raisins can be purchased in both single-serving boxes and bulk bins. If possible, buy raisins in clear containers or in bulk so you can examine them before buying. When purchasing raisins in a package, check to see that the seal has not been broken.
  3. Thin flesh and a lacklustre flavour characterise raisins of subpar quality. Look for raisins that aren't too shrivelled and buy those.
  4. Don't waste your money on old supplies or anything that looks or smells mouldy, damp, or rotten.
  5. If you shake the box or container and hear rattling, you know the raisins have dried out and you shouldn't buy them.
  6. Within six months of purchase, raisins lose much of their flavour and texture.
  7. To keep raisins tasting and looking their best, you need to store them correctly.
  8. The optimal storage conditions for raisins are a cool, dry environment. They can be stored for almost two months without going bad in an airtight container, and even longer in the fridge.
  9. If you want to keep the raisins for a while, you should put them in the fridge. You can keep them for a year in the fridge and two years in the freezer. The sugar in raisins can crystallise if they are kept in the fridge for too long.
  10. Transfer the raisins from the container to an airtight storage bag, pressing out as much air as you can, to prevent crystallisation. Keep the bag well sealed and store it in the fridge or a cupboard. The raisins won't dry out or become stale if you do this. Their crystals can be dissolved by soaking in warm water.


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